Like most non-profit organizations, we need your assistance in providing our members with the best level of services possible so they can continue to patrol your community and provide continuing support for our community. Your donation goes to provide members with life insurance benefits, legal aid, general support, and so much more in this time. Supporting your local FOP 111 will help our members in performing their positions with the professional pride that they deserve. Any donation you can make is greatly appreciated.
Please send all donations to:
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 111
814 Albert St.
Salisbury, MD 21804
If you would like more information on making donations to our Lodge, please email
Lodge #111 is a 501 (c)(8), Non-profit. Most people are familiar with 501 (c)(3) organizations which can receive donations that are tax deductible for the person or company who makes the donation. Donations made to 501 (c)(8)’s however are not tax deductible. We routinely work with several 501 (c)(3) organizations in our community if you would like to receive a tax deduction for your donation.
Donating your business or service to our organization helps us save money and allows us to concentrate our efforts in other areas. If you would like to donate your business service please contact us.
What is the Fraternal Order of Police Associates (FOPA)?
The FOPA is a civilian affiliate of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP). Our members are friends and families of law enforcement Officers, responsible and respected business persons, professional men and women, and citizens from all walks of life. We welcome those who are willing to devote a portion of their time and efforts toward assisting the various law enforcement agencies of our communities, states, and nation.
The FOPA is a non-partisan organization, without regard to race, creed, color, or religious beliefs. We are a part of a National Organization with State and Local Lodges throughout the nation.
The FOPA’s interests revolve around law enforcement and the men and women that have dedicated their lives to the protection of ours.
The FOPA actively supports legislation, charitable causes, and all law enforcement efforts on a local, state, and national level.
Goals of the FOPA
The FOPA is an organization formed for the purpose of increasing our understanding of the rights, duties, and problems of law enforcement officers; of fostering respect for them; and of bettering conditions under which they serve society. We accomplish this through public relations, as well as legislative and educational efforts. It is our aim and objective to support law enforcement throughout our country in every way possible. We believe that Law is the safeguard to freedom, and it is our duty to defend it.
National History of the FOPA
The Grand Lodge of the FOPA was formed on August 27, 1967. On August 12, 1971, at the 40th National Biennial Conference of the FOP, the Constitution and By-Laws of the FOPA were approved by the delegation present. Since then, the membership has grown to over 100,000 strong.
Nationally, we are a proud corporate sponsor of Easter Seals, actively involved in legislation, and supportive of all Law Enforcement programs.
Functions and Activities of the Associate Lodges of the FOPA
Associate Lodges work to assist their parent Lodge. They provide law enforcement agencies with dedicated public support.
Many Associate Lodges present scholarships to dependents of law enforcement officers and Associate members.
Associate Lodges donate funds to officers in need or distress, provide funds for various law enforcement needs and youth programs, and present awards to recognize outstanding and dedicated law enforcement officers and Associate members.
Associate Lodges hold joint social functions enjoyed by members, family, and friends.
Benefits of the FOPA
Membership in entitles you to the following benefits:
…in a better State, Community, and Country?
…in professional Law Enforcement?
…in protection for your family, home, and business?
…in a united effort to safeguard freedom?
If you answered YES, you are a candidate for membership in the FOPA!